Sunday, July 10, 2011

work at the tuscan house.

i've been lucky enough to start painting at the most adorable vintage shop in cornelius, NC. 
Lisa, the owner has the most precious pieces that only need a little bit of TLC. 

i'm sorry for the lack of before pictures. I get so excited to start painting
and totally forget to take a before picture!
either way , enjoy her beautiful finds.
Once again, you can purchase these pieces in Cornelius, NC at
the tuscan house.

Bam, its vintage glam*

1 comment:

  1. Alyson Canestri (Gibbons)July 15, 2011 at 11:49 AM

    Hi Whitney,
    My name is Alyson and I came across your blog. I was really good friends with your husband back in Pelham. A friend had told me Sean was doing more in racing and since I don't have facebook, etc. I googled him and came across your blog. I just wanted to say how great it is to see Sean so happy with you and your beautiful baby girl. We were great friends and then lost contact when I moved to CT. Could you please tell him I said hello! My maiden name is Gibbons; just got married in May so I am now Alyson Canestri. As I am typing this I am thinking "ok this girl is going to think I am nuts!" But honestly, nothing nutty about it! BTW I am so into crafts and I love your blog and your items! You're very talented! Wish you, Sean and baby health and happiness! My e-mail is
